2015-2016 Scholastic Surf Series Final Results

Destiny Thompson, Claire Kelly, Coach Finn in back, Anika Pitz, Jameson Roller, Jack Dickerson in back, Zach Levine, Noah North in front, Jeremy Shutts in back,Travis Booth, Jake Levine, Jett North in back, Spencer Davis, Trey Lockhart, Liam McCue, Cam Wilson, Vann Allen, Jake Houglum in back, Grace Wellsfry, and Dylan Davis

LBHS Surfers and Team Top Scholastic Surf Series Orange County High School Overall Ratings

The Scholastic High School competitive season has concluded and the Final Overall ratings are in with LBHS Surfers and the Team taking Top honors. It was a pleasure to get everyone together for a surf, breakfast and give out all the awards.

We really had a solid team competing this season in all the events and completely dominated earning plenty of Trophies. There were quite a few surfers who contributed to the Teams success and Trophies were awarded from The SSS to the Top Teams as well as the Top 5 Individuals in each Division.

Laguna Beach High School Team took 1st place overall, 1st in Mens Shortboard, 1st in Womens Shortboard, 1st in Bodyboard, 2nd in Mens Longboard and 2nd in Womens Longboard. While individually in Mens Shortboard Jake Levine was 1st, Travis Booth 2nd and Zach Levine 3rd. Mens Longboard saw Jameson Roller 1st and Ryan Meisberger in 5th. Womens Longboard saw Anika Pitz take 1st, and Lola Fisher take 3rd, while Womens Shortboard had Claire Kelly take 2nd and Destiny Thompson take 5th. In Bodyboard Spencer Davis was 2nd, Travis Booth was 3rd and Zach Levine was 4th. We also recognized Liam McCue and Vann Allen for their contributions this season. Honorable mention also goes to Noah and Jett North, Dylan Davis, Gaal Shonfeld and Cam Wilson for all they did in the events they competed in to contribute to our top overall placing.

Boys Shortboard
1st Jake Levine
2nd Travis Booth
3rd Zach Levine

Boys Longboard
1st Jameson Roller
5th Ryan Meisberger

Girls Longboard
1st Anika Pitz
3rd Lola Fisher

Girls Shortboard
2nd Claire Kelly
5th Destiny Thompson

2nd Spencer Davis
3rd Travis Booth
4th Zach Levine

A big Thank you to all our team support including the parents led by Lori Levine.

From your Coaches Scott Finn and Alisa Cairns
Destiny Thompson, Claire Kelly, Anika Pitz, Jameson Roller, Zach Levine, Travis Booth, Jake Levine, Spencer Davis, Liam McCue, and Vann Allen
