2015-2016 Scholastic Surf Series #2

Kyle Shaw, Jake Levine and Jameson Roller
LBHS Surf Wins Scholastic Surf Series Event #2 over St Margaret's

We had a big win on Sunday at the Scholastic Surf Series Event #4 at Golden West in Huntington Beach. We started out the day with Team competition. Laguna Beach High school was up against St Margaret’s. Everyone surfed really well as a team and did their part, winning 67 to 43. We also had several Individual Division Winners.

The surf was in the 3ft range and a little tough, but everyone made the most of it. We needed some of our surfers to surf double duty. In Boys Shortboard Jake Levine and Travis Booth were ripping all day and when the Final was announced it was a tie, with Jake edging out Travis on a count back. Meanwhile Vann Allen surfed strong all day, he just missed the final to finish in 7th. Jake and Jameson Roller were some of the two division surfers, making the Longboard Final. Again there was a tie and a count back with Jameson taking 3rd and Jake 4th

In the Girls Longboard Anika Pitz was once again the winner making it three wins in a row! The Girls Shortboard saw Claire Kelly taking 2nd, she was edged out by St Margaret’s, Kelly Smith who lives in Laguna Beach as well. The Bodyboard Final saw Spencer Davis taking the Win.

Thank you to all the Parents for their continued support putting up the tent, providing food and good cheer, led by team mom, Lori Levine.

From your Coaches, Alisa Cairns and Scott Finn
Travis Booth and Vann Allen
Kyle Shaw, Vann Allen and Jameson Roller
Spencer Davis , Dylan Davis
Travis Booth, Kyle Shaw, Vann Allen, Jameson Roller, Jake Levine, Anika Pitz, Rachel Kenny, Destiny Thompson, Claire Kelly, Coach Alisa Cairns
Kelly Smith and Claire Kelly
Anika Pitz
